Texas city has installed 37 smart off-grid solar streetlights from EnGoPlanet in the Princeton Municipal Park to improve energy resilience and sustainability.


2022/10/27  by SmartCitiesWorld news team

The LED streetlights from EnGoPlanet require no cabling and light up using energy produced by solar panels
The LED streetlights from EnGoPlanet require no cabling and light up using energy produced by solar panels

The Texan City of Princeton has installed 37 smart off-grid solar streetlights in a park surrounding the municipal centre.

The streetlight deployment at Princeton Municipal Park forms part of the city’s efforts to improve energy resilience and promote sustainable alternatives.

Local power grid

The solar-powered LED streetlights, produced by Houston-based manufacturer EnGoPlanet Energy Solutions, are designed to require no cabling, and light up using energy produced entirely by solar panels. This allows energy that would normally be taken off the local power grid to maintain street lighting to be redistributed.

“Energy conservation and sustainability is the way of the future, the City of Princeton is proud to be able to implement these types of energy alternatives,” said Derek Borg, city manager, City of Princeton.

Along with being a more sustainable alternative to traditional street lighting, the lights also minimise the disruption of infrastructure, demonstrating how transitioning to sustainable alternatives can be easier than many anticipate, according to EnGoPlanet.

“Energy conservation and sustainability is the way of the future, the City of Princeton is proud to be able to implement these types of energy alternatives”

The company reports its solar streetlights are also designed with resilience in mind, considering extreme weather conditions and thereby removing the risk of darkness during these circumstances. This allows space for smart infrastructure that can function independently of power-grids, and weather conditions – all while being more sustainable in the long run.

The municipal park contains other sustainable items such as electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, which are the first steps the City of Princeton is taking toward creating more sustainable and smart infrastructure.